If you just had a jobsite accident to report, make sure you have done the following injury checklist:
- Stay calm
- Inform the facility that there was a jobsite injury (workers comp).
- Inform the facility that a mandatory drug screening is required with treatment.
- Give the medical facility the COMPEO contact information
(954) 834-6320
email for billing and treatment
(954) 834-6320
and speak to a COMPEO representative.
- Complete the injury report below right away!
Note: All initial treatment, follow-up treatment, and benefits MUST BE PROCESSED THROUGH THE INSURANCE COMPANY.
Follow up treatments or therapy will not be covered outside of the carrier’s network.
We are dedicated to providing the best treatment and benefits to the injured employee. We will be in contact
with you shortly.
Thank you!
COMPEO Claims Team
Accident Details
Hospital, Urgent care, Doctor information
Witness Information
I, the undersigned witnessed or am reporting the injury by personal observation or reported by the listed
witness, and I do hereby affirm that each and every declaration I’ve made in the above-referenced report
injury or illness is true and correct to the best of my ability. I further affirm I have made the
of my own free will, without coercion, promises or enticements of any type. I voluntarily present this
information, and with this authorization, hold harmless any recipient of the information who uses or
the information in any way. I know that any falsification of information herein may result in a criminal
matter and that any person who knowingly presents a false statement for the fraudulent payment of a loss
guilty of a crime, and may be subject to fines and confinement in a state prison.